Sedna, Sedona, and the 12,604 year cycle


"We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025." (Source)

Another preface I would like to add is that the Event is a constant interplay between our free will and astrological influences etc. "As above, so below": we can play our part by burying cintamani stones and being kind to others while we anticipate these astrological events to happen.
I recommend reading about the Galactic wave of Love and Unwtine's article on "Ending Lightworkers' loops"

Doing the forgiveness meditation (you can find it in my Sedona workshop notes) during this Alcyone-Sedna conjunction period will be especially powerful. Sedna uses the power of forgiveness to ascend.

Additionally, these next 10 days or so (till June 1, 2024) are amazing opportunities to look at the sky and see Pleiadian ships. I just saw one here in Queens NYC, it was quite close to the surface as well!

1. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

"Ashtar Command has entered this Solar system at the time of Neptune Pluto sextile on July 18th, 1952" (Source). Below we can see Neptune sextile Pluto on July 18, 1952 Keep this Neptune-Pluto sextile in mind, since it will come back in 2025:

Below is the chart showing the movements of Neptune (green line), Uranus (blue line) and Pluto (red line). We can see that Uranus (blue) and Neptune (green) start coming quite close to each other from the latter part of Q2 2024 (i.e. May 2024) onwards. They finally all come extremely close together in Q3 2025, around July-September 2025:

Pluto changes its sign from Capricorn to Aquarius on Nov 19, 2024. Neptune changes its sign from Pisces to Aries on Mar 30, 2025. And finally, Uranus changes its sign from Taurus to Gemini on July 7, 2025.

July 7, 2025 is the first day when all 3 planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) enter their new signs.
In the Phoenix conference we were told that the Pluto-Neptune-Uranus sextile will be the trigger point for planetary liberation. It will lead to a new Rennaissance. 
Also note the following excerpt: "The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change." (Source)

"Neptune Pluto sextile is coming again in 2025. That Neptune Pluto resonance is already pushing for Disclosure. Some people are expecting full Disclosure in 2027, well within the orb of Neptune Pluto sextile, but it is very likely much sooner than that." (Source)

Below we can see that Neptune sextile Pluto will be active on July 7 2025. Both Neptune as well as Pluto will just about be in 2 degrees each. Saturn also a conjunction with Neptune at almost exactly 2 degrees Aries:  

It is clear is that the above configuration will be an extremely powerful moment that will have long lasting positive implications. It can start a new age, a new civilization.

To further analyze these planets, below is the graph of Neptune and midpoint of Pluto and Uranus. Notice how in August 2025 the lines seem to almost meet (the blue line shows Aug 9, 2025). Before August 2025 the black line is always above the green line. After August 2025 the black line falls below the green line:

Neptune will meet midpoint of Uranus and Pluto from Sep 2024 onwards. This will be a very strong trigger.

Also, further zooming in, we see that the lines will also intersect around Aug 18 in 2025.

To make you truly appreciate the 500 year cycle of Pluto And Neptune conjunction, here's a chart of Neptune and midpoint of Pluto and Uranus from 1750-2250 (blue line is for Sep 2025). Notice how the green and black lines rarely ever touch:

And here's a version from 1200s to 2600s:

The last time Neptune was at midpoint between Pluto and Uranus was the peak of Renaissance in 1504:

This time will be even more special. "This configuration in 2025 will be far more powerful than in 1504 because Uranus and Pluto will both form a sextile with Neptune at apex point, with Neptune positioned exactly at point of Aries, with Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus entering Gemini". (Source)

Here are some more charts I found online of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto:


2. Uranus and Sedna conjunction

Before talking about Uranus and Sedna, I would like to talk about Pluto and Sedna for a little bit. In a 2022 situation update, it was written: "Sedna is a planetoid which astrologically signifies the Platonic year precessional cycle, as its orbital period of 11,390 years is roughly about half of the precessional cycle. Energetically, Sedna is connected with the Galactic Central Sun and its regular pulsations, which occur roughly every 12,800 years. Sedna trine Pluto is a very powerful aspect, which harmoniously starts to introduce us to the next Galactic superwave which is about to occur in our near future." 

I observed that Sedna trine Pluto happened on April 8, 2022:

I would also like to bring the reader's attention to Haumea. It changed its sign from Libra to Scorpio on Oct 1, 2023. This signals the revival of spirituality. It transforms shadow/fake spirituality to deeper/authentic spirituality:

Now let's get back to looking at Uranus and Sedna. The below images show Sedna and Uranus' ephemeris charts. Their ephemeris lines get incredibly close in July and August of 2025:

Below is a zoomed in version of the above chart, with blue line showing Aug 10, 2025. It is worth noting this paragraph:
"On the 11th of August in 1999 at 11 hours 11 minutes at total solar eclipse Earth went through sipapu, a dimensional axis of oneness. This represents a culmination point of transition through the opening of 11:11, where the point of cosmic no breath will reach this planet. The transition through the opening the 11:11 will be continuing on Earth until 2012, when Earth will be accepted in the Galactic network of Lights as an equal Planet."

Aug 10/11, 2025 will be exactly 26 years after Aug 11, 1999. Note also the fact that the Platonic Year is exactly 26,000 Earth years.

Below is the astrological chart of Sedna and Uranus on July 7, 2025. (Note that Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025, and that 7/7 each year is linked to the Sirius portal). Alcyone and Uranus are both are at 0 degrees Gemini, and Sedna is at 1 degree Gemini. Also taking place are Neptune sextile Pluto and Sedna trine Pluto:

Uranus and Sedna form an exact conjunction at 1°38' of Gemini on May 24, 2026. It can also be seen that Alcyone (Pleiades) is at 0 degrees Gemini. Neptune sextile Pluto and Sedna trine Pluto are also active:

In the Phoenix conference we were told: "Uranus makes a conjunction with Sedna, which signifies the completion of the Platonic year (26,000 years)." So the Platonic year will presumably end on May 24, 2026 / May 25, 2026.

Here's another chart of the Uranus-Sedna conjunction. This time the date is May 31, 2026. We see that Uranus and Sedna are at the midpoint of Jupiter trine Neptune: (Source)

(For some reason I could not replicate the above chart myself)

3. Sedna and Alcyone (Pleiades) conjunction

It is worth noting that Sedna recently entered Gemini on 27 April, 2024:

We can note Sedna and Alcyone conjunct on May 25, 2024 (Source). According to the software I am using, they seem to conjuct on May 21, 2024 23:55 pm EDT:

They also conjunct on Dec 23, 2024 and April 1, 2025:

Interestingly, Uranus, Alcyone and Sedna form an almost straight line in some months of 2025 and 2026. Here is the location of Sedna, Uranus and Pleiades on July 4, 2025 (US independence day):

And here's the location of Sedna, Uranus and Pleiades on July 7, 2025 (the day when Uranus enters Gemini, and the day of the 7/7 Sirius portal):

Here are their positions on Aug 20, 2025 (the day of the Pluto-Neptune-Uranus mini triangle at 1 degree):

And here are their positions on May 24, 2026 (the day of Sedna-Uranus conjunction):

You can also watch this short video to see their movements from 2024-2026:

The next time Sedna, Uranus and Alcyone are as close and form a straight line is in the year 14629:

And after that, the next time they come close to each other is in the year 27232:

This illustrates the 12,604 year cycle of the movement of Sedna-Uranus-Alcyone.

This also confirms the following pragraph from this situation report

"[Sedna conjuncting Alcyone] happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle." (Note that Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiades)

Additionally, the 12,604 year cycle of Uranus - Sedna - Alcyone that I found is very close to the 12,800 year cycle (i.e. roughly 13,000 year cycle) that has been written about on The Portal:

"Microtektites have their origin beyond Earth. Isotope dating has put the age of many of these tektites to being around 13,000 years old."

"There was a 30 degree pole shift 13,000 years ago."

"The Galactic Central Sun activates our physical sun every 13,000 years"

"We were shown us a picture of the Goddess Equator (author's note: this is the equator from 13,000 years back, before the previous Pole Shift)."

Two times 12,604 is 25,208, which is quite close to 26,000 years:

"There is a pulse in the center of the Galaxy which comes from the Cosmic Central Sun once every 26,000 years."

4. Sirius cycle

2025 will be the point of maximum separation of Sirius A and B. This occurs in a 50 year cycle: "A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it. Interestingly enough, both 1975 and 2025 pulses are supported by Neptune sextile Pluto, which brings very high vibrational spiritual energy to the process.(Source)

"A Sirius pulse in 1775 signified the peak of Enlightenment movement in France, formation of Mystery School in Paris by Comte de Saint Germain and the “shot heard round the world” which triggered the American Revolution:

Inside the Brotherhood of the Star, year 1775 is known as “the year of the Light”. Interestingly enough, year 1775 also saw a loose grand trine between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto." (Source)

In the Portal 2025 post, astrological charts of Oct 12, 1975 and Aug 21, 2025 were mentioned when talking about the 50-year period Sirius pulses. Presumably these are the dates of the Sirius pulses.

"50 year Sirius cycle sends a powerful evolutionary pulse to planet Earth every 25th and 75th year of each century. Many of those pulses have triggered events that are connected to 2025:"


The date July 7 (i.e. 7/7) is strongly connected to Sirius. "Every year during the first week of July, a sacred gateway of energy is activated between Earth and the star Sirius, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements. As the Sun and Sirius conjunct from July 4-8, we are all able to access this high-frequency energy and use it for creative inspiration, entrepreneurial endeavors, technological innovations, and heightening our intuition." (Source). And, in 2023, a blogger wrote: "Today is the 7th day, 7th month, and a 7 numerological year, (the 777 gateway), and our Sun is aligning with Sirius— the 7th Dimensional Portal of our Galaxy." (Source).

In the image below you can see that Sirius and Sun's ephemeris lines intersect every year on July 7:

We can see below that the Sirius-Sun conjunction in 2025 happens on July 6 at around 2 am EDT:

And below you can also visibly observe that Sirius A and the Sun are closest to each other on July 7 of each year:

Here's a video showing Sirius and Sun coming close together as we approach July 7 (watch in fullscreen):

It is not a coincidence that the US independence day is celebrated on July 4 each year (i.e. very close to July 7).

The July 7, 2025 Sirius-Sun conjunction will be as strong as the one in 1975. This is because Sirius A and Sirius B will once again be at maximum distance from one another. To repeat what was mentioned earlier: a Sirius pulse opened the Ascension window for this planet in 1975 and will also close it in 2025.

5. Solar maximum

The old NOAA estimate for the solar maximum was for it to happen in July 2025. The new NOAA estimate is for the solar maximum to occur sometime between Jan - Oct 2024:

We often see a double peak in the solar maximum for a period of up to 1-2 years. So it is possible to still be at the solar maximum in July-August 2025.

6. Galactic alignment

"The Galactic Alignment occurred in May 1998 and was the moment when solstice Sun crossed the Galactic equator. The moment of Galactic Alignment was the turning point of the Ascension window for this planet, which is open from 1975 to 2025." (Source)

"The Galactic Central Sun pumps Light and Love throughout our whole galaxy. This happens in a rhythmic way: just like your heart beat, the Central Sun has a heart beat, which happens every 25000 years. Right now we are in the middle of this heart beat, which lasts more or less 50 years, from 1975 to 2025." (Source)

7. Extra section about May 25 portal

"Although according to some traditions Wesak festival has already happened at the full moon in April, a very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May. A very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May. A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year process of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis." (Source)

""The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change." (Source)

We can see that Neptune sextile Pluto was in effect on May 25, 1975:

Here is the chart showing Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sedna, Alcyone, Sirius on May 25, 2024. Note the Neptune sextile Pluto:

Also note that May 25, 2024 is the date of the Sedna-Alcyone conjunction.

Here is the chart for May 25, 2025. We can observe Neptune sextile Pluto and Sedna trine Pluto:

Lastly, here's the chart for May 24, 2026 (copied from section 3 above). It shows the Sedna-Uranus conjunction at 1°38' Gemini, as well as Neptune sextile Pluto and Sedna trine Pluto:

It is also interesting to note that the Sedna-Uranus conjunction (which will end the Platonic year) takes place exactly 2 years after May 25, 2024 which was the date of the Sedna-Alcyone conjunction. This should mean that the Pleiadians will be able to return to the Earth on/after May 25, 2026.


Very soon we are going to have:

1) Uranus-Neptune-Pluto sextile with all 3 planets having just changed their signs. The Uranus-Neptune-Pluto sextile happens in a 500 year cycle. This time will be even more special because all 3 of these outer planets change their signs.

2) Sedna and Uranus' ephemeris lines almost intersecting in July-Aug 2025. They will also eventually have their conjunction on May 24, 2026. This conjunction signifies the end of the Platonic year (26,000 years).

3) Sedna conjunct Pleiades (Alcyone) in May 2024, Dec 2024, and April 2025. This conjunction happens every 20,000 years. I illustrated that Sedna, Uranus and Alcyone come close to each other in a straight line every ~12604 years. They are all going to be in an almost straight line in July-August 2025 and May 2026.

4) Sirius A and B will be at maximum separation from each other in 2025. This happens every 50 years. Sirius and the Sun will have their conjunction on July 7. It will be as powerful as their conjunction in 1975 (which opened the Ascension window).

5) The solar maximum will occur sometime between Jan-Oct 2024. Its effects will also be strongly felt in 2025.

6) The Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment will occur in 2025, at the end of its 50-year cycle which began in 1975. It happens twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years.

7) The Galactic Wave of Love happens every 26,000 years. It is expected to hit us in 2025 when the Earth's axis is aligned with the Galactic Center. (Source)

8) The end of the 13 billion year Cosmic cycle which allows Source to directly intervene and dissolve the primary anomaly. (Source)

These are all such incredibly powerful astrological configurations and they should have a huge impact on the quarantine status of Earth. In the Phoenix conference we were told that the Pluto-Neptune-Uranus sextile will be the trigger point for planetary liberation. And the [Sedna-Uranus-Pleiades conjunction] will lead to First Contact in an explosive manner. Thus, 2025 is a very important year as it opens the doorway for First Contact.

A quote from past Q&As: "The whole transformation including the event and the purification and healing of humanity needs to happen before the end of 2025."

"The year 2025 marks the completion of a 50 year cycle that started in 1975 and it represents a dimensional doorway through which the absolute will transform all darkness of the universe and will help Earth in its transition into the fifth dimension. This is the most intensive period in our whole incarnational cycle and let's do our best since opportunity like this one only occurs once in millions of years."

Now, to connect Sedna with Sedona:

"Arizona is the key place for the Galactic Wave of Love to enter. Arizona has a long history of Pleiadian bases and the Pleiadians have prepared the ground work here. Phoenix, Tucson and Sedona are the main vortexes in Arizona. The energetic trigger for the US will be the trigger for the entire planet’s liberation next year." (Source)

On April 3, 2024 the Light Forces were able to anchor Light into the vortex in Sedona in the physical plane for the first time in 28 years. This occurred one day prior to the Sedona workshop. There was a 60% probability of this happening and it actually happened. This was a big success of the reactivation of Light in Sedona. Sedona is part of the Light Forces’ project. (Source)

"The Light Forces have been reversing this infection (i.e. the 1996 invasion) starting from a few months ago. The Light vortex in Sedona is beginning to reawaken again." "The Sedona vortex’s power is increasing. A Tachyon chamber was finally activated in Sedona last week. Sedona is more of a multidimensional vortex than Phoenix." (Source)

"Cobra – Actually, central AZ is a major vortex point for galactic federation and Ashtar command. After first contact – this will be one of the most concentrated areas for ships to appear. 

A) – We should all hang out in the desert? 

Cobra – Yes, if you want to see a UFO." (from past Q&A's)

No wonder the Pleiadians are so connected to Sedona. Sedna/Sedona conjunct Alcyone will mean their return to planet Earth after 26000 years (approximately double of 12604/12800 years). This is the perfect opportunity for people in Sedona to go to places like Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock at night to try to meet with the Pleiadians. You can read my notes from the Sedona workshop where we were instructed to do this. We were also asked to meditate in Sedona for memories of Atlantis, and for people in Sedona to work with Seraphinite stones.

In the Sedona workshop we were told that Sedona is the vortex for the New Atlantis.

Bell Rock at night

Cathedral Rock at night

Here's an article on Sedona's seven vortexes. Notice how the Pleiades also have Seven Sisters.

Here's a widefield view of The Pleiades showing the surrounding dust. Image taken with 56 hours of total exposure time. (Taken from Wikipedia).

I highly encourage any of you who are able to go to Sedona between May 18 - Jun 1 to do so! The energy there is going to be nothing like we've seen since the quarantine of the Earth began.


Bonus #1: Excerpts about Sedona from my Sedona workshop notes.

"There were 3 main Ascension vortexes pre 1996:

1) Los Angeles. It is strongly connected with Ashtar’s energy

2) Mt. Shasta

3) Sedona

The Light Forces were sending huge amounts of Light to these places. They were the most promising places to accelerate Ascension for individuals and groups."

"One day prior to the workshop the Light Forces were able to anchor Light into the vortex in Sedona in the physical plane for the first time in 28 years. There was a 60% probability of this happening and it actually happened. This was a big success of the reactivation of Light in Sedona. Sedona is part of the Light Forces’ project."

"The Light Forces have been reversing this infection starting from a few months ago. The Light vortex in Sedona is beginning to reawaken again."

"Sedona is the vortex for the New Atlantis. You can go to parks in Sedona and meditate for memories of Atlantis."

"First Contact has begun in Arizona and it’s now ongoing."

"The Beings who were working closely with Sedona are:
1. Archangel Metatron. He was working very strongly with this area. He is the guardian of the portal between duality and oneness, which is situated in Orion. He is also the guardian of the Galactic Central Sun and this solar system. Before 1996, He was sending Light codes from the Galactic Centre to people visiting and living in Sedona. This was happening for the first time in millions of years. Metatron will connect with the people of Sedona when he is ready to do so.
2. Seraphims. Their Angelic presence was felt pre 1996 through music, art, meditation, etc. They will connect with the people of Sedona when they are ready. They will first begin to work with the artists living in Sedona. We can expect to see the rebirth of beautiful art in Sedona in the next 1-2 years.
3. The Pleiadians. They are contacting people in Sedona both telepathically as well as physically. You can go to Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock at night and ask for Pleiadians to appear. The conditions are very favorable for contact. They will try to send telepathic messages as well. The Pleiadians are trying to open a central channel for communication with them here in Sedona. The people living in Sedona may expect to be contacted by the Pleiadians.
4. Ashtar Command is planning to be active again in Sedona. They want to increase the concentration of people in Sedona who have spiritual potential.

"The Sedona vortex’s power is increasing. A Tachyon chamber was finally activated in Sedona last week. Sedona is more of a multidimensional vortex than Phoenix."

Bonus #2: Spaceships that I saw when looking at a livestream of auroras

Clip 1:

Clip 2:


  1. What a wonderful and insiring presentation, Seth. Thank you for sharing your work and experience.


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